2012년 7월 3일 화요일

Robot vacuum cleaner compair threshold[Samsung,Mamirobot,LG,Irobot]

We tested to make it compair film about goes up to threshold
If something is in front of robot vacuum than how it goes up to threshold 
We made a 1cm threshold and we tested which robot vacuum is the best

The first one is Samsung robot vacuum

<Robot vacuum cleanr>

1cm is nothing for Samsung

Second is Mamirobot vacuum cleaner

<Robot vacuum cleanr>

Oh~For Mami robot 1cm is nothing too~!!

Third is LG

<Robot vacuum cleanr>

Good~but one side wheel can not go...it stocked

Firth is irobot!!

<Robot vacuum cleanr>

irobot can not go up...the bumper stocked in 1cm threshold

As you can see and as you know go up threshold is very important

No one knows what is in front of robot vacuum cleaner~!!

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